
The system: the 7 day calorie cycle (zig zag)

Today's quota: 1303 calories - 1170 consumed

In the book "Bridget Jones' Diary", she always wrote down her weight at the beginning of each day. It cracked me up, it was so totally female and hopeless. I think she also wrote something about calories, can't remember for sure. Anyway, that book was so funny, and on the risk of sounding unoriginal, reporting weight and calorie goals can go for me as well. Only that I have been so disappointed with my weight escalation the last year, I'll only include my weight in my posts if/when I get below 70 kg.

I will be following the zig zag calorie count, which I found in the very interesting site www.freedieting.com. If you fill in weight, gender, age, height, exercise level, they calculate how much calories you can ingest for maintenance and fat loss. They also advocate that, in order to avoid a plateau in your weight loss, it is much better to count calories in a zig zag fashion, so some days more, some days less calories. It is also less boring to follow, so I'll try it.

It will be an interesting experiment to observe if I'll indeed lose weight, when I follow my calorie intake limits but do not exercise. Also, talk about making every calorie worth its energy: I have been constantly thinking of smart ways to use my allotted budget. Has to be healthy, has to be fulfilling, has to taste good, otherwise it will be just another half-a-week diet.

And then light came from where I was least expecting. This is something I'll tell you about tomorrow.

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